AFC System allows passengers to pass through the automated gates to enter and exit the platform area. It is integrated with the existing subway and bus lines to automatically calculate fares and uses various statistical data to analyze the performance and popularity of Line 9. Line 9’s AFC facilities are not only sophisticated and beautiful, but they are also ergonomically designed and easy to use for anyone with handicaps.
Major Transmission Facility is designed to swiftly and accurately transmit various operation and management data (voice, text, remote control, etc) to relevant departments or facilities. Consists of phones and express digital optical network of voice and text data.
Needed for the correspondence or information sharing between departments to maintain facilities and perform operations/management.
Automatic Ticket Vending Machine is installed in lounges. Passengers can use coins and bills to issue tickets (RF cards) or reload their Transportation Cards.
As a system for detecting and controlling AFC devices which are installed at the station (automatic vending machines, automatic gate machines), station accountancy and control unit (SACU) calculates data processed by AFC devices at the station, transfers the data to the central computer, receives a fare table and black list (B/L), and disseminates this information to AFC devices.
The central computer calculates the operating status of AFC terminal devices, outputs daily and monthly reports, and omprehensively deals with materials on the condition and operation of each facility. It is also able to conduct the function of calculating fares with other connected operating institutions.